
Build Props
Instructions on how to build different props, broken up in to type (Practice, Fire, LED). Often with multiple methods for building the a prop to give you a wider range of choice in your final prop. We hope some of these methods will inspire you to build something unique that you will in turn share here.

Prop Tips
Helpful tips on finding the right Prop for you. Whether it be the right length for your Contact Staff, finding a high quality Contact Ball or what to look for in a pair of fans, we aim to cover the basic knowledge one needs for picking up a new prop.

A collection of online Flow Art Shops aimed at helping you get a sense of your options when buying a new prop.

The Flow Arts are generally not dangerous, but like all things it is good to know certain information before going full tilt. So check it out and keep you and your friends safe from a flaming monkey fist to the head.