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General Poi Tips

Poi are made up of three parts, the head , chain and handle. The fewer the number of connections that make up the Poi, the better.

Swivels near your handles will allow for tricks such as Orbitals. It may can also make your Poi more comfortable to spin.

Poi handles come in a lot of different styles. The most common are double loops, single loops and knobs. Double loops go on your fingers and single loops usually can go over your wrists, these are not good choices if you wish to do tosses due to how light they are. Knobs are usually balls that attach to your chain which are great for tossing due to the weight, they are also much easier to catch than loops.

Poi heads can be the same as rope dart heads, though rope dart heads tend to be larger and heavier. Building the two poi heads to be about the same weight is crucial.

Poi heads can be the same as rope dart heads, though rope dart heads tend to be larger and heavier. Building the two poi heads to be about the same weight is crucial.

Fire Poi Tips

Poi chains come in two varieties. Ball chain and link chain. Ball chain has a lot of fans, but it tends to break easier, especially with tricks such as orbitals. Link chain comes in a lot of varieties and those that are sold in normal hardware stores are unlikely to be what you want. Find your chains online from a company that sells fire props. The chain they sell is chosen specifically for its fire related qualities.