
Clubs are often regular Juggling clubs, handled more like Poi than like a juggling prop. However, Clubs offer greater control than Poi due to their rigidity, are often quite techy due to their ability for patterns like Poi.

Contact Juggling
Contact Juggling is the manipulation of balls, with a focus on keeping the ball in contact with your hands and body. The balls are often given the illusion of floating. It is often performed with acrylic balls, while practice can be done with lighter and less brittle vinyl stage balls.
Contact Juggling has been around for the last 30 years or so. While a lot of the moves used in Contact Juggling have been around much longer, Micheal Moschen turned it into what is today with a performance in ...

Contact Staff
Contact Staff is a style of Staff Spinning that focuses on ways that staffs can be manipulated without the use of hands. What is currently considered Contact Staff is derived from the ancient Chinese art Fei Cha, and popularised by the talented staff spinner MCP (Michael Caden Pike). Because of its short history, there are still many styles being developed, such as ground work and controlling the staff with legs and feet.
Because of the ways in which your body must manipulate the staff, contact staffs are not simple ...

Double Staffs
Double Staffs makes use of two short staffs at once, the common length being about 3'(~1m) to 4'(~1.3m). It has taken a lot from Poi because of the similarity in prop style. Because of the smaller size of Double Staffs, there is also often a lot of isolation work done with them.
Though not as common, Contact Doubles is possible as well (see Contact Staff).

Dragon Staff
Dragon Staffs are a relatively new prop. Like Contact Staff, Dragon Staff was derived from the Chinese art of Fei Cha. Many of the moves are very similar to Contact Staff, with the added challenge that the staff needs to be almost constantly rolled. Many tricks that work with Contact Staff don't work with Dragon staff because of this.
Its construction is usually that of a normal Contact Staff, with two additional perpendicular rods going through each end of the staff. The rods create circles when the staff ...

The Best place to learn about Fans is Home of Fans which is run by the venerable REM. A lot of it is in Russian, but the content is without equal.
Fire fans are so-named for their geometric resemblance to traditional fans. These props are favored by performers with dance backgrounds because they can easily be treated as natural extensions of the performer's hands. A growing international community, centered in the United States and in Russia is developing a set of technical movements for fans.
Fans allow the ...

Hoops have come back with a vengeance. Hooping has become something bigger and cool than it was when you were a kid.
Hooping is perhaps the most dance oriented of the Flow Arts largely because of the freedom the rest of the body has while hooping. There are several different styles of hooping, including hoop isolation, and multiple hoops.
Hoops have come back with a vengeance, becoming something bigger and cooler than it was when you were a kid. Hoop is perhaps the most dance-oriented of the Flow ...

Juggling has been around for a long time, evidence suggests since the Egyptians. Despite its long history, it has greatly expanded in recent years. Traditional Juggling consists of toss juggling, which is the throwing and catching of objects (usually balls, clubs or rings). On Flowarts.me we focus on the traditional juggling balls as it is most relevant to beginners learning to juggle.
Juggling has come to be a catch-all term for many different types of manipulation such as Flower Sticks, Cigar Boxes, Diabolo and such.

If you are looking for a great resource on all things Poi, make sure to check out Spin More Poi!
Poi originated in New Zealand with the Maori, initially used in cultural events with vocals and music. Today, Poi has spread across the globe and only vaguely resembles traditional Poi. Poi requires quite a bit of coordination, as you are manipulating a prop in each hand, often moving them in split-time or in opposite directions.
Modern Poi has taken a lot from other arts, such as dance, and ...

Rope Dart
The Rope Dart is one of the weapons of Chinese martial arts, that relies on being able to fire the projectile at the end of the dart quickly using any of the bodies joints. In recent years it has grown into an art form, seeing the addition of fire and LED heads, and putting it into the realm of the Flow Arts.
Rope Dart is a fairly uncommon prop in the Flow Art community, and is largely unexplored. It is perhaps the easiest Flow Art prop to pick ...

Staffs are the simplest flow prop. They can be nothing more than poles of hard wood or metal. They are spun by rotating the staff around your body, and the tricks also include tosses. There are many variations of Staff, including Contact Staff, Double Staffs, and Dragon Staff.