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Method 1 - Sock Poi

Jump to Sock Poi's Construction
Method 2 - Bike Tubing Poi

  • Scissors or Knife
  • Lighter
Jump to Bike Tubing Poi's Construction
Method 3 - Tennis Ball Poi

  • Knife
  • Lighter
Jump to Tennis Ball Poi's Construction


Method 1 - Sock Poi

Take the socks, open up the top and insert a tennis ball. Push the Tennis ball to the bottom of the sock, then tie a knot in the top of sock to act as a handle.

Method 2 - Bike Tubing Poi

Cut two lengths of rope to the length you will want then tie a knot in the end of each one. The knot needs to be fairly large. Take a bike tube, cut it in half, removing the valve.Then tape an end onto the rope. Wrap the tube tightly around the rope before taping it in place.

Method 3 - Tennis Ball Poi

Take one of the tennis balls and cut a slit on both sides. Squeeze the ball so that you can put the rope through both holes. Then tie a knot so that the rope won't go back through the slits. At this point you can put washers/nuts into the ball, which is done by slipping them over the rope then squeezing them into the ball. Tie off a knot at the other slit. Finish by making a handle. This can either be a loop or a large knot.